Monday, December 30, 2019

The Importance Of Employee Motivation For Employees

Introduction Making employees realising full potential is becoming one of the fundamental and outstanding points in modern business management. In organisations, work motivation is a hot topic attracting a lot of scholars to study relevant theories, while it forces executives to recognise the importance of employee motivation for company further development and focus on employee’s needs in operation. Considering effectiveness of motivation, dressing lower needs could be the fundamental part of motivation, but other factors also would make a difference at the workplace. In this essay, it will give different definitions about lower needs and motivation firstly. From Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, this paper attempts to show the necessary of lower needs and indicate the utility of meeting these needs. Alderfer’s ERG theory would be used to present the different influence between lower needs and higher needs in order to discuss that various factors could motivate employees t o work productively and effectively. Definition Motivation could be referred as a theoretical construct which means needs, desires, want or drives within the individuals and has been considered as a human nature. It is an internal process that forces people to reach a goal. Motivation in work is described as influence how employees decide to perform in their job (Pinder, 2008, pp. 10-13). Several recent studies investigating motivation have been carried out on different needs. As a basic and well-knownShow MoreRelatedTHE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AND PERFORMANCE1110 Words   |  5 PagesMotivation can be a key-contributing factor in employee performance. It is of great importance to an organization to recognize ways in which it can use employee motivation to positively affect employee performance. The methods used by organizations to motivate its employees are essential in determining how they affect employee performance. There are both positive and negative motivational tools that may be explored. The purpose o f this paper is to examine the relationship between motivation andRead MoreThe Success Or Failure Of Any Firm Or Organization Depends Upon The Competency And Proficiency Of Its Workforce1584 Words   |  7 Pagesa particular organization and its employees, motivation is required from the workforce. Employee maintenance can be practiced by thoroughly motivating the employees in many ways. In the big organizational environment, it is hard for the supervisor to motivate employees as compared to the small organizational environment. There are various strategies and techniques which are to be applied in order to motivate employees for better performance. Motivating employees require finding a balance. 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Baack (2012) notes that the exiting literature on motivation seeks to develop an understanding of the nature of motivation, how to increase motivation level in employees and improve employee performance; thus, in turn, improve overall performance of the organization. Motivation helps employees to feelRead MoreKey Indicators or Factors in the Motivation of Employees889 Words   |  4 PagesTHE KEY INDICATORS OR FACTORS IN THE MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYESS- A CASE STUDY OF GHANA PORTS AND HARBOUR AUTHORITY BY DOGBEY K. GERSHON ( AC/09/WDS/1064) Abstract The study examined the ranked importance of motivational factors of employees at The Ghana Ports amp; Harbours Authority Human Resource Department,Research and Public Relation Department. The hand-delivered descriptive survey addressed ten motivating factors in the context of employee motivation theory. Findings suggest interesting

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Aristotle s On The Soul - 975 Words

Mark A. Elvy Professor Ryan Shea PHL 103-009 22 February 2017 On the Soul by Aristotle Analysis 1. Classification a. Aristotle’s On the Soul is a treatise. 2. Summary a. Aristotle discusses the nature of the soul of not only humans but all living things, and as to why they are considered living. The question surrounding the work is what makes the soul? To answer this Aristotle concludes that the soul is natural and entelecheia or being-at-work-staying-itself. 3. Structure a. Overview of the soul i. Defining the soul is the most difficult to define. (402a) 1. There is a variety of methods are used to define the soul. a. Thinking causes us to bring up questions about what we know about the soul and prevents us from creating logical†¦show more content†¦the soul could not be a body, since it is not the body that is an underlying thing, but rather the body has being as an underlying thing and material [for something else].† (412a10) d. â€Å"So, everything that lives and has a soul at all necessarily has the nutritive soul from birth and up to death...† (434a 20) 3. Argument a. â€Å"†¦harmony is some ratio or putting together of things that have been mixed or joined and the soul cannot be either of these.† (407b 30) i. Argument: Some people define the soul to be a harmony or as a blending of contraries, but that’s not what the soul is. ii. Analysis: Aristotle argues that the soul isn’t harmony rather that there are several souls that make up the body that work in harmony. b. â€Å"the soul could not be a body, since it is not the body that is in an underlying thing, but rather the body has being as an underlying thing and material [for something else].† (412a10) i. Argument: The soul is not a body. ii. Analysis: Aristotle is arguing that the soul cannot be a body because the soul does not have self-nourishing abilities only natural bodies do. The soul is instead everlasting so it has the ability of being-at-work-staying-itself. 4. Solutions a. After finding everything the soul isn’t, AristotleShow MoreRelatedAristotle s Philosophy Of The Mind And Soul1176 Words   |  5 PagesKolb Ancient Philosophy 18 Nov 2014 To understand Aristotle’s philosophy of the mind and soul, one must begin with his concepts of change, epistemology, and nature. 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Although, there are some similarities to each of their set of ideas. Aristotle has a clear hierarchical framework classifying the differences between humans, animals, and plants. Heidegger opposes this strict definitions by discussing this idea of â€Å"Dasein† which states of being there. Although, their approaches to this topic are different with the types of question one asks and how they theorize about what is a being.Read MoreThe Formations Of The Mankind System1568 Words   |  7 Pagesjustice, being on everyone s lips, is used so often that it may signify nearly anything. Though one of the main meanings given by modern people is the interchangeability of justice with the word â€Å"fairness†. Indeed, in any s ituation occurred in our everyday life we all want to be treated in a fair way, because we believe that we deserve equal and unbiased treatment - one should not be paid any less because of gender, one should not be judged more roughly because of one s skin color or one should notRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The First Ones 1562 Words   |  7 Pagespowerful. They have meaning. Words are defined as ways feelings are express and influence is spread. Throughout history, questions like, â€Å"What is justice?† and â€Å"How do we justify what is just or good?† have popped up in human minds and Plato and Aristotle were the first philosophers to answer these questions. 2. Plato 2.1. His Life To many people, Plato was known as the first writer of philosophy. Plato was born in Athens in 429 BC (Plato-Biography, His birth name was Aristocles and gainedRead MoreAristotle Is A Well Renowned Philosopher That Lived And866 Words   |  4 PagesAristotle is a well renowned philosopher that lived and taught in Greece during the time of 350 B.C. He was a student of Plato, yet is famous for rejecting Plato’s theory of forms. He was both a prolific writer in addition to a polymath and expanded the knowledge of numerous areas of study. He even classified a multitude of distinctions for different aspects of knowledge that are still in use today such as mathematics and biology. Aristotle was the first to develop a formalized system of logic whichRead MoreAncient Greek Philosophers Who Have Helped Shape The World1350 Words   |  6 Pagestwenty centuries ago, Greek philosopher Aristotle laid out the foundations of Western culture. The principles of Greek philosophy im plemented its way into encompassing a persons point of view or their knowledge on society. Aristotle has helped improve and transmuted the world by his views on ethics and virtues he has instructed and justified thoroughly and the endowment of philosophy and science, whereas he created a comprehensive system of subjects. Aristotle has laid out virtues, which is the importantRead MoreConfessions By Saint Augustine And The Nicomachean Ethics1271 Words   |  6 PagesThe Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle the theme of friendship is constantly portrayed. Each philosopher has his own respected thoughts and opinions about the different aspects of friendship. This paper will argue both the similarities and differences between Aristotle and Saint Augustine’s argument about the role of friendship. In The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle argues that friendship is the greatest of external goods which is necessary to live a pleasant life. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Nursing Final Free Essays

Its a beta blocker. – Chapter 18- Peripheral Vascular Disorders -Hypertension- BP 140/90. -Hypertensive Crisis- 180/120 -DASH diet- 2,000 calories. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Final or any similar topic only for you Order Now 7-8 grains, fewer than 2 servings of protein Review pages 430- 438 Chapter 29- Urinary System – Urinary Tract Infection- #1 Nonsocial infection Most common location is the bladder (cystitis) Most common upper OUT is kidney and renal pelvis (polytheists) Most common bacteria to cause OUT is e-coli Difference between Cystitis and Polytheists Cystitis- Disarray, urgency, nocturne, Papyri, Hematite Polytheists- Same as above plus flank pain, N-V-D, fever, malaise- Urinary Calculi. Stones made from Ca. Dull, aching to severe flank pain. Nausea, vomiting. Gross hematite. – Lithography- crushing stones through sound waves – Acute Renal Failure. -Rapid onset. Reversible. Most common cause is sashimi (poor perfusion to the kidney) Most common symptom is Algeria (urine output less than 400 muddy) High BUN and creating levels Page 2 Occurs in 3 stages: initiation (up to days), maintenance phase (up to 2 weeks) and this is here all the problems occur, and the recovery phase (up to 1 – Globetrotting’s Leading cause of kidney disease and failure Caused by strep (a beta-hemolytic strep) Surrounded by bowman’s capsule Sex: hematite, proteins, hypoglycemia, azotes (increase Nitrogen) Lasts 10-14 days Nephritis- nephritis is any degenerative disease of the renal tubules. Nephritis can be caused by kidney disease, or it may be secondary to another disorder. It should not be confused with nephritis, where inflammation is implied. – Nephritic Syndrome Same as above but there is a significant loss of protein lost in urine Found in lupus ND those with kidney disorders Sex: proteins, low albumin, high lipids, and severe edema in face and periodontal area. Blood clots are common. – Urine Dipstick PH 6-6. 5 specific gravity 1. 010-1. 025 Everything else is negative in a healthy patient Potassium Normal 3. -5. 2 – Sodium Normal 135-145 Drugs that lower sodium levels are diuretics, (pep-/ Noreen), decongestants and antithetic medications IV solutions that increase sodium are Nasal Chapter 31- Male Reproductive – Tetrahedral resection of the prostate (TURN) – is a surgical procedure that removes portions of the prostate gland through the TURN requires no external incision. Pen’s. A Inserted through the penis and the wir e loop is guided by the surgeon so it can remove carried by fluid the obstructing tissue one piece at a time. The pieces of tissue are into the bladder and flushed out at the end of the procedure. TURN is generally done to relieve symptoms due to prostate enlargement, often due to quite enlarged Problems with dribbling. BP. BP is a condition in which the prostate gland may become and cause problems with urination. Symptoms may include getting a urine stream started . Nocturne, urgency, Monitor tort hemorrhage tort the TLS 2 Chapter 32- Female Reproductive Meteorological Bleeding between periods Sign of cervical or uterine cancer Dilation and Curettage (D ;C) Page 3 – Cervical canal is scraped 48 hours. Monitor for circulation. Avoid pillow under legs. Avoid tampons for 2 weeks. – Vaginas Fungal (candidates) Protozoan (trice. ) bacteria (grandparent) Chapter 34/35- Endocrine System Biofeedback Mechanisms (3 below) 1) glucose maintenance- interplay between insulin and clangor, pancreatic hormones that release glucose and store glucose, respectively 2) body temperature maintenance -hypothalamus, nerves, skin, sweat glands, earth(beats faster if warm), kidneys -if your temp. Increases due to exercise/warm weather/illness: sweating occurs to produce evaporation which leads to cooling -if your temp. Decreases due to cold weather/being scared/illness: â€Å"goose bumps† (obliteration) occurs, which are thought to be derived from a response that enable the hair to stand on end causing more insulation and heat 3) fluid maintenance- -kidneys regulate how much fluid is excreted. If you are dehydrated they will produce less urine. If you drink a lot of fluid quickly, then more ur ine will be excreted – Thyroid sits on either side of trachea Isthmus connects two lobes Needs iodine to secrete to (thyroxin) and to (trinitrotoluene) that increases metabolism Also secretes calculation that decreases excess calcium levels in the blood – Hyperthyroidism Too much thyroid hormone AS: Increased appetite, yet loses weight. If left untreated, will cause cardiac dysphasia and heart failure Develops into 2 disorders: Graves disease and thyroid crisis Graves disease (goiters ; expostulates- protruding eyes) Expostulates- protruding eyes Thyroid storm- High fever (;102), tachycardia, hypertension, restlessness, seizures, delirium- Tracheotomy- Will be on lifelong replacement hormones Thyroid state (balanced hormonal state before surgery) Nursing precautions: hemorrhage, respiratory distress, laryngeal nerve damage, tenant, thyroid storm Maxed- form of hypothyroidism Brought on by exposure to cold, infix, temp, trauma, narcotics ; tranquilizer More frequent in women AS: seizures, lethargy to coma, hypothermia. Respiratory and cardiovascular systems shut down. TX: airway, Cardiac function, increasing Temperature and HTH levels by getting labyrinthine by IV. Page 4 – Cushing Syndrome Adrenal cortex produces too much cortical (hormone) or ACTA AS: fat deposits in abdomen, clavicle, buffalo hump, round moon face, hirsute (excessive facial hair) DXL: Increase cortical level and elevate 24 hour urine test with 17- sisterhoods and 17- horticulturalists. Low potassium, Sodium and glucose levels are also higher. Meds: lessoned and acetated are commonly used. Addison Disease Adrenal insufficiency AS: decrease glorifications, mineralogist’s, and androgen’s TX: IV fluids, glucose, An, sociolinguistics, warm and quiet environment DXL: Decreased levels of cortical, decreased 24 hour urine test with 17- sisterhoods, Potassium is increased, glucose and sodium are decreased. Phosphorescently benign tumor of adrenal medulla Produces excessive amounts of epinephrine and morphogenesis Stimulates the sympathetic nervous system AS: BP 200-300/150 +, pounding HA, profuse sweating, tachycardia, flushing, DXL: increased catecholamine levels in the blood or urine, CT scan. Tracheotomy Nursing care: stabilize BP – Tracheotomy Removal of adrenal gland High risk of Addison crisis or adrenal crisis. – Addison Crisis hypertension, rapid weak pulse, extreme weakness, confusion, circulating collapse and shock. Dangerously low K+ levels. – Diabetes Insipid Results from lack of DAD hormone Two types: energetic (damage to pituitary) and nephritic (Kidneys) Risk for hyperthermia Sex: Polynesia, popularly (5-15 ml. ‘day) urine specific gravity of less than 1. 005, mucous pale urine, weakens, dehydration, tachycardia, poor skin author, dry membranes Nursing Care: managing fluid and electrolytes, replacing DAD. Monitor daily weight. Meds: Visionaries (monitor for h/a and abdominal cramps). Ethicize diuretics sodium Chapter 36- Diabetes – Normal blood glucose is 70-100. Diagnosing Diabetes plasma glucose level (200) oral glucose tolerance test (2 hour test, 200) sting blood glucose (8 hour test, 126) Peripheral Vascular Disease Greater in Type 2 Atherosclerosis of lower legs Page 5 Leads to gangrene. (Most common cause of amputations) AS: hair loss, atrophic skin, cool feet, red- white legs, thick toenails, pain with walking a pulses. ND at rest (usually at night), diminished or absent peripheral – Type 1 Diabetes Destruction of beta cells leads to state of absolute insulin deficiency Usually occurs in childhood Prone to developing acidosis’s Insulin dependent Sex: Popularly, Polynesia, polyphonic, weight loss, fatigue, malaise, blurred vision – Type 2 Diabetes Sufficient insulin to prevent acidosis’s, but to lower blood glucose Usually occurs after 30 Most clients are obese Insulin requiring but not dependent Sex: Popularly, Polynesi a, obesity, recurrent infix, fatigue, blurred vision, parenthesis (numbness and tingling around mouth and hands and feet. – DAD 1800 clone Diet Diabetic Acidosis Occurs in Type 1 diabetes Sex: hyperglycemia, dehydration, coma, BBS 250, stentorian. Metabolic Acidosis’s= fruity, alcohol breath Common in those who are undiagnosed. TX: fluids, insulin, correction of electrolytes. Unconsciousness patients need 0. 9% normal saline to replace sodium. Start with 0. 9, then 0. 45%. Dextrose is added to prevent hypoglycemia. Exercise Reduces blood glucose by increase glucose use by the muscles. Eat snack before exercising. Avoid exercising if fasting is ; 250. -Only regular insulin may be given b y the IV route. HAS (Hyperbolas Hyperglycemia State) Occurs in Type 2 Characterized by severely high glucose ( or ;), extreme dehydration, and alter LOC, grand mall seizures. -Differences between DAKAR and HAS Type 1 Lethargy H HAS Type 2 Coma Samuels breaths Rapid, shallow breathing Glucose ;250 Glucose ; 600 *Samuels breathing – rapid, deep respiration to prevent decrease in PH. Smoggy Effect Morning rise in glucose after a nighttime hypoglycemia. Sex: tenors, night sweats, and restlessness. TX: Eat bedtime snack Dawn phenomenon Rise in glucose between 4 am and 8 am. TX: increase insulin dose or changing injection time from dinnertime to bedtime Page Hyperglycemia Sex: Increased thirst and frequency Diet: low carbohydrates and sugar, sufficient hydration, and frequent small meals. – Hypoglycemia Sex: carry an emergency snack high in carbohydrates to help raise low blood sugar. People who have experienced hypoglycemia in the past should eat meals at regular intervals, avoid excessive alcohol and never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Chapter 37- Nervous system – Cardiovascular Accident- Brain attack or stroke Thrombosis C.V.- Caused by atherosclerosis of arteries. Happens during or after sleep. Embolism C.V.- caused by problems with the heart Hemorrhagic C.V.- caused by hypertension Right Side vs. Left side Effects left side Effects right side Visual Unaware Impulsive Heat stroke Speech (Left-Language) Away re Slow, cautious heat cramps, heat syncope (fainting), and heat exhaustion . Nausea, seizures, confusion, disorientation, and sometimes loss of consciousness. Remove any extra clothes. – Frost bite Don’t put direct heat on it. Wrap in blankets or move to a warmer environment. Chapter 38- Interracial Disorders – Closed head injuries Coup-contractor- Jerking forward-jerking back – Concussion brain injury resulting trot violent snaking or impact – Contusion bleeding into soft tissue resulting from blunt force Epidural Hematite severe blow to brain causing arterial bleeding between skull and durra mater. – Suburbia Hematite injury between durra mater and subtractions layer – Antibacterial Hematite Bleeding into brain caused by gunshot wound or depressed skull fracture- Simple arterial seizure- Jerking of finger, hand, foot, leg and face. Called Jackson March. – Sex: flashing lights, tingling sensations, or hallucinations. – Complex Partial Seizures Sex: lip smacking, aimless walking, picking up clothing – Absence seizures- In children. Blank stare. Lasts 5-10 seconds. May be unaware. – Tonic-clinic seizures- Adults and children. From trauma. Stages: aura, tonic phase, clinic phase, postnatal phase Up to 30 miss Page 7 Chapter 39- Neurological and Spinal Multiple Sclerosis degenerative disease that damages myelin sheath surrounding axons. Marked by periods of exacerbation and remission Effects Women between 20-50 Myelin sheath is the white matter in the CONS Put is prone to IT’S, pressure ulcers, Joint conjunctures, pneumonia, depression DXL: SF (cerebration’s fluid analysis). Look for Gig. , MR. and CT scan. – Parkinson Disease Results from a lack of dopamine 3 cardiac signs: tremor, rigidity, braininess. Pill-rolling. Leopard- Used to treat shaking, stiffness, and slow movement Interscholastic- Med for Parkinson Sex: dry mouth, orthodontic hypertension, constipation, urinary hesitation, pupil dilation, blurred vision, dry eyes, photosensitive, increased heart rate. Anesthesia Gravies Marked by periods of exacerbation and remission Sex: eyelid photos (drooping eye), diploma (double vision), slurred speech, nasal voice, difficulty chewing or swallowing Face appears to have a snarl or grimace Risk for aspiration and respiratory insufficiency – Choleric Crisis caused by taking meds too early. Sex: Severe muscle weakness, NV, increased salivation, sweating, brickyard. – Anesthetic crisis Caused by taking meds late Sex: muscle weakness, inability to speak/swallow, respiratory distress, anxiety – Terminal Neuralgia Causes pain along both sides of face. Sex: periodic, severe pain in cheeks, forehead, lips. Triggered by wind, chewing, shaving. Rhizome- surgical severing of a nerve root to control pain. – Autonomic Dyslexia Effects TO and above. Stimulated by full bladder or fecal impaction. TX: Elevate HOB 45 degrees. Check for kinks in catheter. – CLC-CA injury puts a person on a ventilator. MONOCOTYLEDON a protrusion of impinges and spinal cord through a defect in the spinal column Chapter 40- Eye Disorders – Cataracts Red-reflex (reddish-orange glow in pupil when light hits it) disappears. Intraocular lens is implanted to focus light and restore vision. Snell Chart Eye chart. Madrigals- med that causes dilation of pupil Page 8 Chapter 43- Musculoskeletal Trauma Mast Suit Used for carcinogenic hypoglycemic shock in abdominal, pelvic and lower extremity Internal (Proportional) trauma – Know: Diabetes, insulin – peak time preparing, when to administer, Insulin Comparison Chart: Insulin Type Onset Peaks at Ends Working in Low Occurs at Humanly- (Rapid) 15-20 miss 30-90 miss 3-4 hours 2-4 her Novel- (Rapid) 15-20 miss 40-50 miss 3-4 hours 2-4 her Regular (short)30-60 miss 80-120 miss 4-6 hours 3-7 her NAP (intermediate 2-4 hours 6-10 hours 14-16 hours 6-12 her Landaus (Long) 2-3 hours almost no peak 18-26 hours 4-24 her Oxalate: This medication is used to treat a high level of potassium in your blood. Too much potassium in your blood can sometimes cause heart rhythm problems. Sodium polystyrene sultanate works by helping your body get rid of extra potassium. Corticosteroids- from the adrenal cortex . Used to treat purists (itching) and psoriasis, bone cancer, chronic interpolator diseases such as Arthur s Sociolinguistics (creditors) raises blood glucose levels. Mineralogical (lodestone) maintains normal salt and water balance through kidneys. How to cite Nursing Final, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Theories and Definitions Data analysis

Question: Discuss about the Theories and Definitions Data analysis. Answer: Introduction There are various statistical techniques that are available for the analysis of data. Regression analysis, confidence interval are important measures of statistics. There are two types of variables that are used in statistical methods. Continuous random variable and discrete random variable are the two important divisions of the random variables (Struben et al. 2015). In this assignment, various statistical techniques would be explained to provide a brief idea about them. Theories and definitions related to regression techniques, discrete random variable, continuous random variable and confidence interval would be described in this assignment. The assignment would give an idea about the above said methods and variables in statistics and the procedure to use these techniques and variables. The assignment would also give an idea about the knowledge and understanding that had been gained from the theories and definitions related to regression techniques, discrete random variable, continuous random variable and confidence interval. Regression technique Regression techniques are used to find the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variables (Kleinbaum et al. 2013). Regression analysis is used to predict a continuous dependent variable from one or more independent variables (Cameron and Trivedi 2013). The degree of influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable is understood by the method of regression techniques. There are seven types of regression techniques that can be used. They are linear regression methods, polynomial regression, stepwise regression, logistic regression, lasso regression, ridge regression, and Elastic Net regression (Cameron and Trivedi 2013). The regression equation is given by Y = 0 + i Xi ; where i= 1,2,.k (Kleinbaum et al. 2013). Regression techniques help to frame a model that can be used for prediction and forecasting and infer casual relationship between independent and dependent variables. This tool of modeling and analyzing data is used by fitting a curve o n the points of data so that the distance between these data points and regression line is minimized (Draper and Smith 2014). Thus, regression analysis is used to indicate the significant relationship between independent variable and dependent variables and indicate the potency of the impact of independent variable on dependent variable. Discrete random variable The variable which can acquire only a countable number of values is termed as discrete random variable. In the methods of probability distribution, the random variable is defined as the function which maps the point of a probability space on the real space (Petrov 2012). When there random variables is discrete, it is known as discrete random variable. The probability distribution function of a discrete random variable is known as probability density function. The probability mass function of any discrete random variable is any graph, table, or formula which gives each probable value along with its probability (Petrov 2012). Continuous random variable The random variable which takes infinitely many values is known as continuous random variable (Kay 2012). The values of these variables come from continuous random distributions as a continuous random variable tales on an uncountable infinite number of possible outcomes. Specific probabilities cannot be assigned to the continuous variables as a continuous random variable takes unlimited number of possible values (Hogg et al. 2014). The values of continuous random variable come from an interval which consists of the values of these random variables. The probability distribution function of a continuous random variable is knows as probability density function (Hogg et al. 2014). Confidence interval Confidence interval is defined as the interval estimate of a parameter of the population (Struben et al. 2015). Confidence interval is usually calculated from the observations and is different from sample to sample. Confidence interval is formed by calculating the lower confidence limit and upper confidence limit of the sample from the population (Cappelleri and Ting 2015). The region between this lower confidence limit and upper confidence limit gives the confidence interval of the population parameter. A large range of values lie in the confidence interval and it acts as a perfect estimate of the population parameter. Confidence interval is usually considered for 99%, 95%, 90%, 85% and 80% of confidence interval (Perez et al. 2014). These confidence intervals are usually considered from the desired level of significance in which the sample is to be estimated. Conclusion It can be concluded that these statistical techniques are useful for knowing various dimensions of the sample and its population. The dependency of the dependent variable on the independent variable, two types of random variables and the confidence interval of the parameters of population was described and its utility in the statistical field was given. It is seen that the mean of the variable was 17.491; median was 18.63 while the mode was 22.75. It is seen that discrete random variable and continuous random variable have different modes of approach towards probability distribution. The discrete variables show that the 22 male customers use sauna service and 25 of them do not like it. Similarly, 20 female customers use the sauna service while 31 of them do not like it. It is also seen that the highest frequency result with 8 customers which have a 19% for the first hour and there are two second highest frequency with 6 customers each have a 14% for the fourth hour and twentieth hour respectively. The Poisson distribution shows that the probability that 2 customers visiting sauna after gym is 0.2707 while the probability reduces to 0.0361 when it comes to 5 customers. The confidence interval was found to be (14.773, 18.774). The regression technique shows that there exist a negative relationship between the timing hour and the number of customers visiting sauna. The value of R2 was found to be 0.264 while the value of R was found to be -0.514. Reflection I have learnt that there are two kinds of variables that are random, are available. They are continuous random variable and discrete random variable. Both these variables have different approaches towards the probability distributions. I have learnt that regression techniques indicate the significant relationship between independent variable and dependent variables and it indicates the strength of relationship between them. I have also learnt that confidence interval estimates the interval estimate of a parameter of the population. Thus, this assignment had helped me to understand various statistical techniques and their utilities. I came to know that there exist dependent vaialbes and indepdnnet variables apart from discrete and random variables. I came to know about the importance of the relationship between them. I also learnt the importance of confidence interval. References Cameron, A.C. and Trivedi, P.K., 2013.Regression analysis of count data(Vol. 53). Cambridge university press. Cappelleri, J.C. and Ting, N., 2015. Evaluation of a Confidence Interval Approach for Relative Agreement in a Crossed Three-Way Random Effects Model. InApplied Statistics in Biomedicine and Clinical Trials Design(pp. 381-392). Springer International Publishing. Draper, N.R. and Smith, H., 2014.Applied regression analysis. John Wiley Sons. Hogg, R.V., Tanis, E. and Zimmerman, D., 2014.Probability and statistical inference. Pearson Higher Ed. Kay, S.M., 2012. Continuous Random Variables. InIntuitive Probability and Random Processes Using MATLAB(pp. 285-342). Springer US. Kleinbaum, D.G., Kupper, L.L., Nizam, A. and Rosenberg, E.S., 2013.Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods. Nelson Education. Perez, A.E., Haskell, N.H. and Wells, J.D., 2014. Evaluating the utility of hexapod species for calculating a confidence interval about a succession based postmortem interval estimate.Forensic science international,241, pp.91-95. Petrov, V., 2012.Sums of independent random variables(Vol. 82). Springer Science Business Media. Struben, J., Sterman, J. and Keith, D., 2015. Parameter and confidence interval estimation in dynamic models: maximum likelihood and bootstrapping methods.Analytical Handbook for Dynamic Modelers.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Describe your chosen organisation Essay Example

Describe your chosen organisation Essay The organisation I have chosen for my assignment is The Pier Hotel. This is a small business located in the heart of Limerick city. It has 55 bedrooms and is home to The Quays Bistro Bar and Restaurant, which is a modern sports themed bar. The building is located on Sarsfield Street, Limerick and was previously used as an apartment building with a cafe on the ground floor called Blueberry Hill. In 1999 the building was sold and the new owner opted for construction for a new business. He had the building renovated into a hotel and leased it out as The Sarsfield Bridge Hotel. It was a thriving business from the week of opening boasting river and castle views, beautifully decorated rooms and restaurant which served great food at reasonable prices. The Sarsfield Bridge Hotel was taken over by new management in 2004, but the reputation of the hotel only grew. In 2008 shortly after the recession hit Ireland the Sarsfield Bridge Hotel closed due to insufficient business levels. Later the same year The Kenny Group, a local Limerick based company, turned the hotel into a hostel for people seeking refuge. The potential in the hotel was seen again by a local business man; he bought the property and refurnished the establishment in an attempt to bring it back to its original success as it was as The Sarsfield Bridge Hotel. He also renamed the hotel to The Pier Hotel. Although, it has yet to reach the level success it used to maintain before recession The Pier Hotel has upheld business and gained more popularity in the past year alone. I really wanted to choose this particular business because of its history. I thought that good or poor customer service would have been a major factor in varying success under different management. We will write a custom essay sample on Describe your chosen organisation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Describe your chosen organisation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Describe your chosen organisation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer An internal customer is someone who works within a business and works as part of a team to provide the best possible service. Take a hairdressers for example; a receptionist makes appointments, the hairdresser styles/cuts hair and the apprentice cleans the area used by the hairdresser. If the receptionist logs an appointment incorrectly it can have a bad effect on the hairdresser and the customer. Or if the apprentice does not clean the area of the last customer can cause for business not to be up to standard. External customers are basically the everyday run of the mill person who is connected to that organisation by way of purchasing a product from that business. For example, a person walks into a bookstore and pays for a book are now an external customer. (Twomey 2012, p. 5) Corporate: These are customers in which supply/receive large supplies to/from a company. An example of this would be when a hospital orders linen, cleaning items/medical supplies they become a corporate customer of the business selling them. (Twomey 2012, p. 5) Internal Customers of The Pier Hotel Employees of a hotel have to communicate with all departments at all times to maintain the smooth running of the establishment. The reception is the face of this company as it is the first thing you see as you enter the hotel, and it is where you go for any information or to give feedback about the other departments. A function sheet is given and updated on a daily basis to ensure all departments and staff members are up to date with the current events of the hotel. For example; if the hotel were hosting a birthday function and the customer wanted to make a change in the guest list by having an additional 20 people, this would mean all departments would have to make adjustments. The kitchen would need to order extra food, the bar would need to roster a another staff member on that night, front office would need to adjust the invoice and accommodation would need to have an extra staff member on the next morning to make sure the bar and restaurant is sufficient for breakfast. External Customers of The Pier Hotel Being a hotel, The Pier has many types of external customers. The majority of hotels refer to their customers as Guests. A guest is a customer who has reserved a room in the establishment, although they may eat at the restaurant, or have a beverage at the bar they are still referred to as guest. Whereas, a person who makes a reservation for the restaurant or just walks in to have a meal or visit the bar, is known as either a customer or patron. The hotel offers a function room for events such as birthday parties, office parties, christening etc.and the external customers that book such a function are known in the hotel as an event customer. Corporate Customers of The Pier Hotel The hotel may be a small business but it has a big corporate customer base. To keep the business flowing in a smooth manner the hotel depends on various suppliers to deliver facilities for daily use. Take the accommodation department for example, this department needs cleaning supplies, laundry service and room conveniences (milk, tea, coffee, shower cap, soap etc. ) to maintain the 55 bedrooms at a high standard for guests. This means that the hotel requires another company, such as cleaning supplier, to provide the service and therefore become a corporate customer. Another type of corporate customer of The Pier Hotel is known as corporate guests. When a business is sending an associate to Limerick for training or other purposes they are a corporate guest as the company is paying for their stay. This is good for the hotel and the business in question as the hotel now has a long term or repeat guest (a guest who returns on a regular basis) and the business gets a special rate that saves on company expense, so they become corporate customers of each other.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Primate Evolution

Human evolution, the biological and cultural development of the species Homo Sapiens, or human beings. A large number of fossil bones and teeth have been found at various places throughout Africa, Europe, and Asia. It gives idea of human evolution during past 4 million to 5 million years. From a genome view point, the difference between modern man and the modern apes is only about 2 percent. From a physical viewpoint the greatest difference is in locomotion. The human walks upright, it is generally thought that this came about when the ancient hominid adopted the edge of the forest and plain and adapted to a life under the trees as opposed to in them. Fossil evidence shows that is bipedal adaptation was completed quite early, perhaps as early as four million years ago, long before we do today. Facial feature changes toward the modern appearance came much later. The facial characteristics, of modern man are about 100,000 years old. The faces of earlier hominid were much more apelike. Any mutation must be applied to a DNA coding that already exists. It can not be applied to coding that does not exist. is this a silly statement? No at all. It leads to the way that evolution changes an organism. Mutations a real ways applied to the existing DNA coding. Evolution makes something new out of something that already exists. If a bear becomes distressed in a given environment, it does not sprout wings and fly. Instead, such things as longer legs or claws will be tested. Also, evolution often does not fix the thing that causes a problem, it patches the problem by doing something unrelated. If an organism suffers a mutation that shortens its life so that it has difficulty rearing its children to childbearing age, that mutation will started being culled from the gene pool. Before that mutaion has been completely removed from the gene pool, another mutation may occur which shortens, the ge! station per... Free Essays on Primate Evolution Free Essays on Primate Evolution Human evolution, the biological and cultural development of the species Homo Sapiens, or human beings. A large number of fossil bones and teeth have been found at various places throughout Africa, Europe, and Asia. It gives idea of human evolution during past 4 million to 5 million years. From a genome view point, the difference between modern man and the modern apes is only about 2 percent. From a physical viewpoint the greatest difference is in locomotion. The human walks upright, it is generally thought that this came about when the ancient hominid adopted the edge of the forest and plain and adapted to a life under the trees as opposed to in them. Fossil evidence shows that is bipedal adaptation was completed quite early, perhaps as early as four million years ago, long before we do today. Facial feature changes toward the modern appearance came much later. The facial characteristics, of modern man are about 100,000 years old. The faces of earlier hominid were much more apelike. Any mutation must be applied to a DNA coding that already exists. It can not be applied to coding that does not exist. is this a silly statement? No at all. It leads to the way that evolution changes an organism. Mutations a real ways applied to the existing DNA coding. Evolution makes something new out of something that already exists. If a bear becomes distressed in a given environment, it does not sprout wings and fly. Instead, such things as longer legs or claws will be tested. Also, evolution often does not fix the thing that causes a problem, it patches the problem by doing something unrelated. If an organism suffers a mutation that shortens its life so that it has difficulty rearing its children to childbearing age, that mutation will started being culled from the gene pool. Before that mutaion has been completely removed from the gene pool, another mutation may occur which shortens, the ge! station per...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Causes and Consequences of high Staff Turnover Levels in the Retail Essay

Causes and Consequences of high Staff Turnover Levels in the Retail Industry - Essay Example where this phenomenon is clearer, but the fact is that the high staff turnover level has become a common problem in most organizations while the efforts made should be characterized as rather inadequate. Specifically for the retail sector, the high staff turnover level can be explained by the severe turbulences that characterize the relevant market, which can lead to a series of negative outcomes for the companies that operate in this area. In this context, high staff turnover level in the retail sector should be regarded as an expected outcome if taking into account the series of problems of the specific industry which are being represented mostly by several failures regarding the initiatives and the decisions made by the companies’ human resources department. The particular topic has been chosen because of its importance in the operation of commercial markets internationally. More specifically, staff turnover has been found to be related with the business performance (as it will be analyzed in the sections that follow). From this view, staff turnover can also influence the performance of a whole industrial sector in case that the phenomenon is expanded to many firms of a specific sector or just to one which is considered to be the ‘indicator of stability’ in its market. Furthermore, the particular topic has been chosen because of its importance for the employees in the various industries of modern commercial markets. The main objective of current dissertation is the examination of the factors that influence the staff turnover in the retail industry as well as the parameters that can lead to an increase of the turnover in the long term. On the other hand, the consequences of the high staff turnover in the retail industry are also being examined in order to formulate secure results regarding the appearance and the development of the relevant phenomenon in modern commercial markets. It has to be noticed that current paper examines a variety of issues related

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Social Desirability Bias Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Desirability Bias - Essay Example In this paper, I will be looking at ways in which students show social desirability bias, and how it affects research, so as to help researchers to use methods that avoid this bias Charity work has various benefits to part-time students and most of them might want to be associated with such benefits. For instance, participating in fund raising events such as charity walks or charity runs for a charity organisation help students to get away from their busy schedule and interact with other people. In so doing, they get an opportunity to make new friends and also exercise their bodies (Woodland Trust, 2013). According to (2013), quite a good number of students would get involved in charity work to get an experience in their area of study. Most companies these days want new applicant to have a work experience, and with difficulty in getting jobs just after college, students take advantage and get involved into charity work to get experience which can help them when it comes to writing something about work experience in their resume (, 2013). A research finding on a particular topic is very important, that is why the accuracy in findings is equally important (Mardsen and Wright, 2010). Looking at the research on charity, a researcher might be having several ideas in their mind as they carry out the research. Intentions like opening up a charity organisation or group in the campus may be affected by the response given to the researcher by the students. When interviewing students face to face, they will be obliged to give information that makes them look good before the researcher thus give information that might lead to wrong conclusions (Groves et al, 2011). For instance, a researcher might ask a student if they would rather study especially when they have exams or attend a charity event might be challenging. To look good, they might say that they would rather attend the charity event then study later. However, the truth might be that they will instead study and pass on attending the event. According to Neeley and Cronley (2004), this gives a biased answer that might affect the conclusions of the researcher. It is evident that charity work is seen as helping tools for college students in achieving their career dreams and social life (Roberts, 2007). To this effect, students who do not participate in any charity activity might even respond to questions and say they are actually involved. A researcher needs to know about these tendencies so as to develop a research method that discourages social desirability bias (Thompson, 2009). One can administer questionnaires that do not require personal information of the respondent. According to Crowther and Lancaster (2008), using questionnaires that offer anonymity of the respondent will prompt students to give honest answers. One can also carry out focused group discussions that will reduce the chances of a student giving inaccurate information. This will ensure that the rese archer comes up with effective conclusions and recommendations. Social desirability bias is a significant factor in determining the amount of time that students give to charity because it can affect the results of the study. Quality and accurate information is crucial for the success of any study and before the onset of a research, researchers usually develop objectives to guide them through

Monday, November 18, 2019

Success For All Through Maximizing The Power of Peer Learning Essay

Success For All Through Maximizing The Power of Peer Learning - Essay Example Students and pupils that work groups are said to be more successful in reasoning and critical thinking skills which ultimately improves their general performance (Cohen, 1994). Peer education is a complex expression and as result it is not easy to pin down a simple definition and one can only attempt to describe it. Peer education can be described as an approach through which youths can operate in collaboration with their contemporaries which draws upon the positive aspects of peer dynamics; through appropriate training and exposure, peers can learn how to play an active part in the education process rather than simply be passive recipients of the same. I was motivated to try out peer learning models because as a teacher it was easy for me to appreciate the advantages they held both as result of experience and from a study of research and literature on the same. Peer education is becoming an increasingly popular process of providing not just advice and social information but as a method of pedagogy which is seen as an all-inclusive involving and benefiting pupils the peer educators and the school in general. Among the many benefits of peer teaching is that it brings about positive changes in response to knowledge, skills and confidence all which a critical in academic and personal development. Peer educates are also likely to acquire the unique benefit of up to date information and life skills that the convectional teachers may not provide and it is easier for them to identify and build positive relationships with them. Brown and Campione argue that a community of learners in classroom can be conceived in terms of various proximal development zones through which participants can navigate at their different paces and routes. Piaget who is one of the foremost experts on development and education concurs in his social-cultural learning theory which proposes that people acquire new skills and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Self Reflection: Time Monitoring Worksheet

Self Reflection: Time Monitoring Worksheet Time Monitoring Worksheet Part 1: Monitor your time in hourly increments. Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday 5 a.m. Work work Work Work 6 a.m. Work Work work 7 a.m. work Work work 8 a.m. work work work 9 a.m. work work work 10 a.m. work Volunteer/supervision work 11 a.m. 11:00 to 11: 30 lunch Volunteer at a counseling service 11:00-11-30 lunch 12 p.m. work Lunch/rest work 1 p.m. Work until 1:30 Rest/reading work 2 p.m. Volunteer at a counseling service Counseling/group work 1:30 3 p.m. Volunteer at a counseling service Counseling group work rest 4 p.m. Rest/ nap Rest/nap homework 5 p.m. Rest/ nap/reading rest Home work 6 p.m. Rest/nap/shower/supper Homework/supper Homework 7 p.m. Praise team practice Home work homework 8 p.m. Practice over at 8:15 homework Shower/eat/sleep 9 p.m. sleep sleep sleep 10 p.m. sleep sleep sleep Time Monitoring Worksheet Part 2: Reflection On day four, review your completed Time Monitoring Worksheet in order to take a serious look at how you use your time each day. Write a 250 500 word reflection on how you manage your time. Include the following in your reflection: What are some things you can do more efficiently? What are the main items/tasks that take up most of your time? Do you see areas in your daily routine where you can make adjustments to become more productive? Do you have any black holes that unnecessarily suck up a lot of your time? Essay I know there is a lot of thing I am involved in. Most of my time is spent not with friends, texting, talking on the phone, or on face book. In fact, lately I have scheduled time to visit my sons and grandchildren. The log sheet helped as a visual aide. Ross, S., Nibbling, B., Heckert, T. (1999) Major source of stress among students are interpersonal, intrapersonal, academic and environmental to the list in their research. They reported the top sources were changes in sleep habits, vacation, breaks, and increased work load. This research was conducted more than seventeen years ago. It is relevant today. I have little time to get things done but to see it written. What take up most of my time is volunteering at a non-profit called HUGS. There is a struggle to give up volunteering at a non-profit because I love the work. I do realize I need to cut back on the hours. The log sheet does not reflect the group work due to the holidays. I feel pressured and conflicted to give up part of vol unteering. I love working with client who have co-occurring and substance abuse disorders. I love group facilitation. Realistically, it is time to let go part of the counseling commitments at this site. Earning a masters degree must take priority. There was a research conducted by Macan, T., Shahani, C., Diaphoye, R., Phillips; A. (1999) Their findings were students who perceived had control of their time reported significantly greater work and life ratification. They reported less role ambiguity, less role overload and fewer job induced and somatic tensions. Some of my stress is due to role ambiguity. So, I have worked out a schedule. Monday, I will provide a revised schedule for the program director at this site. I have evaluated what is best practice for myself and clients. I will keep two clients, scheduled on the same day, anger management rotate with another facilitator, RUNNING HEADING: Time Monitoring Essay 2 and continue weekly supervision. This schedule will provide criteria needed to continue certification as a certified clinical supervisor. I have been wrestling with my decisions for over a week. This exercise helped to put into perceptive where the adjustments must be made. The volunteering is a positive black hole. While attending GCU, volunteering more than 10 hours becomes a black hole. The services I provide at the center is rewarding and career enhancing. I need time to be a good student. I cannot become a successful student without preparing and completing assignment. References Macan, T., Shahani, C., Diaphoye, R., Phillips. A., (1999). College students time management: Correlations and academic performance and stress. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82(4), 760-768 Ross, S., Nibbling, B., Heckert, T. (1990). Source for stress among college students. College Student Journal 33(2)6 chart 1

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Discovery of Amerigo Vespucci Essay -- American America History

The Discovery of Amerigo Vespucci Who was Amerigo Vespucci? This is a question I asked myself as I was researching the man credited with the discovery of the new world. Much information has been written about Christopher Columbus and very little about Amerigo Vespucci. To understand who Amerigo Vespucci was is to look at his life and times in that time period. This paper is an attempt to look at his history and try to get a better understanding of his life in the â€Å"Age of Discovery†. To have an understanding of Vespucci is to remember that to the day of his death, Columbus persisted in claiming he was in parts of Asia. This is part of the old world mentality and shows that Columbus never fully comprehended the achievements of his voyages. Two continents are named after Amerigo Vespucci. A great achievement for a man who many feel is a charlatan of geography. Did he discover America or was this honor bestowed on the wrong man? â€Å"In the middle ages, Europe knew less about the earth than did some of the ancients, for the commercial decline of Rome brought about the contraction of geographical knowledge.† [Pohl 6]. During this time period, men began to disregard authority and learned to rely directly on their own investigations. This is the seed that brought about men like Columbus and Vespucci. The period of the Renaissance is the fertile ground that brought about changes in the world of inquiry and scientific achievement in Europe. â€Å"This new spirit of inquiry received its chief impetus from the invention of the printing press whose importance outweighed even the greatest political event of the time.†[Pohl 9]. Printing led to the overthrow of authority and allowed the men of the period to come into immediate contact with each ... ...e the intellect of the times to figure out how to navigate in the oceans is just as important if not more than his discovery of a new continent. Some would argue this point but from my research, Amerigo Vespucci was truly the founder of modern navigation that brought civilization out of the dark ages to the modern era. He was truly a man of his times. Works Cited Cohen, Jonathen. â€Å"The Naming of America: Vespucci’s Good Name†. Encounters 7:16-20 Pohl, Frederick, J. â€Å"America Vespucci†, Pilot Major. New York: Octagon Books, INc., 1966 Arciniegas, German. Amerigo and the New World: The life and Times Of Amerigo Vespucci. Knopf, NY, 1955 Lester, C. Edwards. The life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius, New York: New Amsterdam Publoishing, 1903. Wills, Garry.Forward. Letters From A New World. Ed. Luciano Formisano, New York, Marsilo Publishers, 1992